Monday, October 26, 2009

Wonderful Weekend at Sea World

We picked up Larissa and Arianna on Friday afternoon.  It was a beautiful cool day so we headed out to Sea World for their Halloween shows....Here are a few pictures.

Holloween Sea World 001

Holloween Sea World 003

A fish on Stilts.....very colorful!

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                                                              Arianna would not get close to the skeletons!!!

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The Fabulous Bone Brothers....they had some good music.

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Holloween Sea World 096

They really enjoyed the Magician's show.

Holloween Sea World 013

We are headed on the Trick or Treat was a long, long line.

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Holloween Sea World 018

The Dalmatian, King, has a very comfy home...

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Holloween Sea World 024

Holloween Sea World 081

Holloween Sea World 079

They had trick or treating for an hour....

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The Flamingo girl..

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The Mermaid....

Holloween Sea World 030

another Flamingo and others...

Holloween Sea World 033

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Holloween Sea World 034

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Miss Minnie cute.

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Holloween Sea World 044

Manuel and Arianna really enjoy the Sesame Street Show....

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Holloween Sea World 053

 Holloween Sea World 059

Holloween Sea World 063

Holloween Sea World 065

Holloween Sea World 075

We also went to Sea World on Saturday from noon to about 5.  Manuel Jr. picked up the girls then they headed out to one of Veronica's functions.......they were having face painting and other stuff for kids.   Sure they had a great time there, too.   We had a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Srutkas Are Gone!

We played a couple of card games last night and made plans to meet for breakfast.  We had fun playing.

Srutkas Are Gone 007

We went to have breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning and then the Srutkas started preparing to get back on the road.....    they are kind of anxious to get home.    We said good-bye but may see them at the December Rally with the Lone Star Allegros....

 Srutkas Are Gone 008

It was very nice visiting with them these past few days. 

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Srutkas Are Gone 012

After they left, I went on to visit with my mother for a couple of hours.   On the way back, had the SUV washed while Manuel had the guy that helps us out here wash the motor home.  It rained all afternoon.   We welcomed the rain!  We will see what tomorrow brings....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Visiting with The Srutkas

Bob and JoAnn Srutka came thru San Antonio to visit for a couple of days as they are on their way back home to the Houston area.   They have been gone from their home for about 5 months.   They came into San Antonio on Monday afternoon.   We are having a great visit.  Here are a few pictures.

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Visiting with The Srutkas 010

Visiting with The Srutkas 011


Visiting with The Srutkas 012

Visiting with The Srutkas 015

Today, Tuesday, we headed into downtown for a little shopping.   This nice mural  was on the side of one of the buildings.   Pretty nice work.

Visiting with The Srutkas 016

We shopped at the Market Square....

Visiting with The Srutkas 017

Visiting with The Srutkas 018

Bob and Manuel rest while JoAnn and I walk the shops....

Visiting with The Srutkas 019

Then we made a stop at Mi Tierra Restaurant for some lunch. 

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Visiting with The Srutkas 021

Bob, JoAnn and Manuel pose under the piñatas while we wait to get seated.

Visiting with The Srutkas 020

The waiter takes our picture.   We had a very good lunch.  Nice Company!

Visiting with The Srutkas 023

We walked the Alamo Square area to find more shops....

Visiting with The Srutkas 024

A view of the Tower of the Americas....           A nice waterfall that leads to the San Antonio River.

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More walking.....

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Bob and Manuel try to make friends with this Indian but he was not very friendly!

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Visiting with The Srutkas 031

Nice art!

Visiting with The Srutkas 032

Back at home, Manuel and Bob work on some brackets for a rock guard.   JoAnn takes a nap and I am updating my blog.   We will get together at 7 again to have dinner from our left overs from yesterday and then enjoy the pastries we bought at Mi Tierra.   We will play a game of Baseball or Golf or whatever....

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Visiting with The Srutkas 036

Visiting with The Srutkas 037

We had a very nice day with our friends, Bob and JoAnn.   More to come!