Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Meal Preparation for Thanksgiving Day

We picked up the Girls on Tuesday and started preparing for our Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday.

They love to work in the kitchen.  They are great helpers....

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They helped me until every thing was done and they just loved it.  I loved our time together.

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Then it is play time with Charlie and Quincy....

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Manuel and Veronica come over to spend the night with us.  We had a great Thanksgiving Day with Corina, Doug, Elijah, Doug's Parents and Manuel, Veronica, the Girls and us.

Very blessed to have a wonderful family and friends.  Thankful for all we are blessed with.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Visit With The Dabneys


Joe and Jan Dabney were in San Antonio for a few days visiting clients so they gave us a call.  We met up with them for dinner.

We had a sort visit but it was very nice seeing them.  we met them at El Rodeo de Jalisco Mexican Restaurant which is just up the street form where they were staying at Blazing Star RV Resort.

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Thank you, Joe and Jan for taking the time to visit with us.  Take care and be safe.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Catch Up Time

I had not had time to post pictures, so here I go. 

A few weeks ago, we passed by this yard that is totally decorated.  The guys are sitting under the canopy watching the Dallas game. 

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We arrived at a house that Veronica just purchased to rent out.  They will do a complete makeover to it then rent it out.

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It was a mess so they all got to cleaning the yard and she hired someone to fix the inside.

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Larissa and Arianna are following Mom, making a list of things they need to go buy at Lowe's.

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Finalizing their list....

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Girls working hard.....

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A Family that plays/works together....

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Okay, now it is play time!  She is watering the tree....

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Manuel and I just sat and watched them work.  When we left the house, it looked 50% better.

Will be back to take pics when the house is completed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday With Family

We got together this morning to have breakfast at Magnolia Pancake Haus.  Manuel had told us it was a great place with delicious food and then Corina and Doug saw it featured in The Food Network channel.  Manuel and I were the first to get there and they told us it would be an estimated 1.5 hour wait.  Everyone is saying it is worth the wait so we will see....

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Corina, Doug and Elijah arrive.

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We were seated before an hours wait, so not too bad.  Lari enjoys her hot chocolate.

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so does Arianna...

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The waiter takes our picture.  Our food is wonderful! 

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We gathered for a family picture.  Elijah takes this one.

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I took this one...

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Corina and Family went on to the movies, taking Larissa and Arianna so we headed to go see another house Manuel Jr. just bought. 

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We got there and he already has people out there looking at it.  He is doing a complete make over to it before he rents or sells.  This lady is really interested in buying it.

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Manuel and I have been working on making bead bracelets on our spare time.  It is relaxing and they are so pretty.

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I have set aside these for me.  I made earrings to match the bracelets.  Even made a necklace for the last one.

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We had a wonderful day with family!  Have a great week everyone.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Montero Birthday Party

Our next door neighbors celebrated their oldest son's Birthday.  Adolfo is 15 years old today.  They had lots of delicious food at this party, too.

We sat around and visited with all of their friends.

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The girls, Larissa and Arianna enjoyed playing with all the girls here.

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Happy Birthday, Adolfo.

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One of their friends from Columbia brought her guitar and she sang beautifully.

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Everyone sits around to enjoy her music.

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Our Son, Manuel attended the party too.  He is 2nd from right.

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Adolfo Jr, with his parents, Adolfo and Silvana.

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We had a wonderful evening tonight.  Arianna fell asleep so we headed home.

Thanks to all of our friends, we had a wonderful time today.

Two Birthday Parties on Saturday


We attended Gabriella's 4th Birthday party first.....The Flores yard is beautifully decorated.

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The garage is too....

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The cake is just beautiful.

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Larissa and Arianna loved the slide....                 and the Princess Castle...

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and the swings....

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Our Daughter In Law, Veronica, catered this party.

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The set up was just beautiful and the food was very delicious.... 

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mmmm good!

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Art and Manuel catch up on things...

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Now it is piñata time!

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The Birthday Girl!

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Everyone watches as the kids have a lot of fun!

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Time for the Birthday cake...

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then presents and goody bags for all the kids...

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We All had a wonderful time at the party!  Now we are off to the second party...