Happy Halloween Everyone! Today, we drove to Daytona for early bird arrival at the Good Sam Rally. We left the park at 5:30 am for our hour drive to the Daytona International Raceway, where the Good Sam Rally will be held.
There was a bright moon out as we left St. Augustine.

We were the first four coaches to arrive at the West Gate…

We had a 20 minute wait while they opened the gates for us so I took a few pictures…

Lynn is out helping with this sign…

Good Sam is there to greet all the Coaches…

In through the tunnel to the RV Park…

We got all set up and now waiting for the trolley to take us to the registration tent.

We are parked in the premier section. We all have a really good space.

A Witch greets us at the reception center….all workers are dressed in costumes.

They have a vintage section….beautiful old trailers.

This is a 1939 model.

Our ride back on the trolley….

We were supposed to have 30 amps but when we parked, found that we have 50 amps and also have water. This is just great.
Back at our coach after some shopping. Manuel and Janet pose for me.

More to come…Rally begins on Nov. 2.