Saturday, June 21, 2014

My 64th

Saturday, the 21st was my birthday.  We celebrated with Family on Sunday after church.  We enjoyed an early dinner.  It was all delicious.  I am so Blessed to have such an awesome Family!








Thank you for a delicious dinner and gifts.  Love you all. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Time at Rally in Ingram, TX

Since Manuel was feeling a little better, we decided to join our Demontrond Travelers and WWW Friends in Ingram, TX.    We left on Wednesday and had a good 90 mile trip. I drove in the SUV as he drove the coach.


We love the Hill Country and thought it would be a nice get a way for a week and it was close to home.

photo 9

We arrived at about noon and there were several coaches there that had arrived since Sunday.  Many more are expected to arrive.

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photo 4

Mary and Jesse brought me this cactus cutting from their home.  They brought several cuttings for those that wanted them.  It bloomed three flowers while we were in Ingram.  Beautiful flower!!!


One of the days, we went out the the Guadalupe River.  Karen and Carly had so much fun jumping for the trees and rope.

Here go the bag ladies.  Heading under the bridge!!!

photo 8

There are a bunch more bag ladies under the bridge!  All are Demontrond Travelers!!!!!  Alan enjoyed the river swim with Karen and Carly…..

photo 5

Back at Johnson Creek RV Resort for more fun!!!!

photo 3

By Friday, Manuel started feeling really bad and contacted Corina, our daughter, who contacted his GI Dr.  The following day, he was able to get the antibiotics prescribed and he began to feel better almost immediately.  Thank God.  He was able to enjoy the rest of our time at the rally.  He sure worries me when he can’t eat and is hurting so much. 

When we got home, he had a GI appointment and the plan now is to keep him on maintenance antibiotics.  Sure this helps his problem. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lari’s 5th Grade Ceremony

Today, June 5th, was the last day of school and Lari’s last day at Wilderness Oak Elementary School.  We attended the ceremony and it was awesome!  We are so proud of Larissa and Arianna.  We were not able to see Arianna today.  She is also very excited today is the last day of school.  Arianna will go into the 2nd grade!!

“Like a Butterfly, I am growing and changing, finding my true colors, and spreading my wings to fly.”



There were 5 classes of 5th Graders today.  This is a very large group of children.  When they all got situated, I could see Lari looking all around to see if she could spot her family. 


There!  She found us and gave us a big smile!!



She is very attentive as the ceremony has begun.


The Principal and Teachers gave very moving speeches as they see these students move on to the next level. 

Each of the classes had a student representative that spoke at this ceremony.  Lari spoke for her class.  Each child had their own thoughts of the past six years (Kindergarten to 5th).  We were so impressed with each of the Speakers but when Lari began her speech, we were truly touched.  She did a wonderful job and was so self confident.  We are so proud of her.  Great Job, Lari!  Congratulations, Mamacita!

Her Teacher, Mrs. Portlock, stands with her as she prepares to present her speech. 




She is presented her certificate and metal by the Principal, Mrs. FitzSimon.


Larissa’s Classmates and Teacher.


Our Little Sixth Grader!   Reach for the Sky!


Larissa and Mom.


Lari and her Friends enjoy the reception goodies. 


Congratulations to all.  Enjoy the Summer! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Didelots & Dabneys Visit

Mark called us to tell us that he was camping in Boerne for the week and that the Dabneys were going to be camping at Blazing Star RV Park for a week.  We decided that we would get together on Friday for Dinner at Mimi’s Café.  They came over to our house then we went to dinner.  It is good seeing them. 


We had a great dinner and then went back to our house to play games.  We enjoyed each others company.

We met again with them on Tuesday evening and had dinner at The Hungry Horse in Boerne.  Great food!  We then went over to Mark & Sue’s to visit for a while.  We called it a night early as they were all traveling the next day. 

Until next time!!