The sun is setting at Quartzsite. We are all gathered by the campfire after our evening pot luck gathering. We all ate, visited, and just hung out. We have met many new people and more are to come tomorrow. We are having a great time.

Pot luck is set out for everyone to eat and to enjoy each others company. Food was great and company was even better.

More of the same.....

Oops! Patsy walks into the wrong coach, Ours!!!! We all had a good laugh and I asked her to stop for a picture! This was so funny!!!! We also told her we would not tell anyone but I could not hold this to myself.....sorry, Patsy.

Picture of a fifth of the circle made by all the motorhomes.

more motorhomes....

I would like to know why ONLY Linda and Mike have water and electrical power?!! This just is not fair.....

Linda and her pup, Bee (sp?). Bee is really comfy.....

Bob--The Ultimate Okay Guy. Bob is a very nice guy!

Dave and Sandy just arrived this afternoon. The guys hang out as he sets up his rig.

Mark is showing the guys his goodies. I think he bought an aluminum fold up ladder. Good for you, Mark.

Dave and Sandy just arrived. Look at how they tow their pickup AND boat! I 've never seen this done before. Nice boat!

Mark walks up to the campsite with his ladder...

Johnny Goodrum and his sidekick sing at the show today. They actually sounded pretty good.

This Home made ice cream booth had a very interesting way of churning their ice cream. These were diesel generators churning the ice cream. Very interesting.....the ice cream looked good even though we did not try it. Maybe tomorrow.

We visited the Big Tent today. They had a lot of RV vendors and you can find just about anything you may need for your RV; even things you don't need!

This lady had her show dog, a black, standard poodle. He is about 3 foot tall. He was beautiful.

We visited one shop that had all the beams hand carved with different animals and this one is a cactus with an owl peeking through. Neat wood carving art!

Check out all the building beams.....rhino, hippo, giraffe, elephant, etc. Nice art work!

This is Lorraine and Chuck North. We have enjoyed visiting with them. We head out to the shopping area where we are getting some jackets/caps embroidered. After this, we headed to the Big Tent.
Peeping Tom, there has to be one in every group . I bet she wanted to crawl under the RV . About OK Dude he does look like cool guy . What a Puddle he must be from Texas because everything is big in TEXAS . Love those darn tents with all the goodies . my Love to everyone and stay cool
Your Bro PS I will not tell anyone you all are experensing Peeping Tom issues Ha HA
Hey guys thanks for the picture of Gayle and I, we enjoyed singing for you and hope to see you next year in Quartzsite...Johnny Goodrum
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