Hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving Day, as we did. Veronica, our daughter in law decided she would cook dinner this year and it was all good. We gathered at their house at noon and she had a wonderful meal all prepared. The line forms and everyone is ready to eat…Thank you, Jesus for all you provide for us all.

Here is a picture of Nidia, whom everyone says she is never in the kitchen cooking….here is proof that she does. Good job, Nidia.

After our meal, we just sit around and visit. Here is Jacob & Jason (my nephews) and their sons, Omar and Josh.

Melody and Manuel are relaxing and watching football.

Arianna, Julia, Larissa and Cruz (all cousins) playing ball.

The Amaro Family enjoying each others’ company.

Veronica, Nidia and Diana (sisters) relaxing on the cabana.

Jacob and Manuel (cousins) having a great day.

Manuel and Patrick waiting as they set up the karaoke equipment…

Jacob is the first one to volunteer….he is a great singer.

Julia, Jacob’s daughter is next and is also a great singer.

Lari and her aunt Diana try singing. Lari loves to sing.

Break time from the singing. Roasting marshmallows.

Now indoors, the singing continues….

Jason and Jorge…they did good!

Father (Jason) and Son (Omar) love to sing. Great Job!
Cousins, Omar and Josh.

Jason and Mari….

Juan and Jorge…

Diana and Jason…

Jorge and Mari…

Diana and Jorge…

Diana and Mari….they even danced.

Juan and Lucy dancing.

Arianna and I snuggled.

Cousins, Leslie and Arianna.

Lucy and Jorge…

Lucy, Leslie and Larissa.



Arianna and I really enjoyed the entertainment.

We all had a great time!