Monday, December 6, 2010

Lunch With Our WWW Group

We left San Antonio on Saturday and drove to Houston to attend a couple of rallies.  But before we left home, as we were carrying stuff to the Motorhome, I had a bad fall.....My ankle twisted and as much as I tried to keep from falling all the way, I fell hard.  Besides hurting my foot, my wrists hurt from trying to hold my self up and my ribs and face hurt.  My glasses were all smashed.  After a while, I got up and continued to get everything loaded up, although Manuel did most of the work.  I ached all over.  We took off and by the time we arrived in Houston, I had excruciating pain on my foot and could not walk on that foot.   He unhooked the SUV, he asked the park hosts for directions to the closest hospital and headed there.  We were taken in pretty quick at the Conroe Regional Hospital, they x-rayed my foot and did not find any fractures but the sprain was pretty bad with torn ligaments!  They put my foot in a splint and gave me crutches along with Vicodin and Motrin and we headed home.  It has been an ordeal trying to learn to walk with one foot and the crutches...

Today, Sunday, we drove to The Lambes' home in Spring and from there, we rode with them to Hido Japanese Restaurant.   It sure was nice to see Janet, George and all the WWW Folks.  There were 16 couples in attendance for this gathering.   We all had a great time and the food was great!

I took no pictures but Manuel managed to take some for my blog...

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The Prez taking pictures of everyone.   She also brought each couple a present.  Thank you!

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We had a great cook...

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He cooked shrimp, scallops, chicken, steak, veggies and rice.   It was all so good!

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Caroline passes out Christmas chocolates...

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After lunch, we headed back to the Lambes.   Since Janet has been having Mexican Train withdrawals since we spent a couple of months with them last fall, we played a few games and yes, SHE won the most games....

We took a short break to have dinner which Janet cooked and it was wonderful, then played several more games.   We had a great time visiting with them.  We got back to The Country Place RV Park where we will have the Lonestar Allegro Holiday Rally next weekend.  We are looking forward to that gathering.

I will post more pictures as permitted or when my hands are free from these crutches!


Lambe Travels said...

Did ya stay up all night posting? Keep off that foot and get well soon. Manuel did a good job!!

ram and josie said...

Hi Sis,
Sorry to hear about your fall.....take care of your self..hope you feel better soon..have fun..

Love ya`ll!!