Monday, October 26, 2009

Wonderful Weekend at Sea World

We picked up Larissa and Arianna on Friday afternoon.  It was a beautiful cool day so we headed out to Sea World for their Halloween shows....Here are a few pictures.

Holloween Sea World 001

Holloween Sea World 003

A fish on Stilts.....very colorful!

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                                                              Arianna would not get close to the skeletons!!!

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The Fabulous Bone Brothers....they had some good music.

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They really enjoyed the Magician's show.

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We are headed on the Trick or Treat was a long, long line.

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The Dalmatian, King, has a very comfy home...

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They had trick or treating for an hour....

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The Flamingo girl..

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The Mermaid....

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another Flamingo and others...

Holloween Sea World 033

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Miss Minnie cute.

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Manuel and Arianna really enjoy the Sesame Street Show....

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Holloween Sea World 075

We also went to Sea World on Saturday from noon to about 5.  Manuel Jr. picked up the girls then they headed out to one of Veronica's functions.......they were having face painting and other stuff for kids.   Sure they had a great time there, too.   We had a wonderful weekend.


ram and josie said...

AWWWEE!!Great pictures!! Missing the girlies!! They are growing sooo fast!!

Love ya`ll, Josie and Mitcho

Jesse Aleman said...

You have good looking grand kids. Love you all