Sunday, June 5, 2011

Subiaco Abbey

Today, we drove about 40 miles to Subiaco, Arkansas to visit the Subiaco Abbey which consists of St. Benedict Church, Subiaco Academy and Coury House Retreat Center.

This Historic Landmark sits in the midst of the beautiful Western Arkansas mountains.  The Monks of Subiaco Abbey are Benedictines tracing their history back to 5th century Italy.  The sight from the foothills is very picturesque.

Subiaco Academy is a Catholic, college preparatory boarding and day school for young men in grades 7-12.  Students from all parts of the world.

Subiaco Abbey 052

This is the Abbey Church of Saint Benedict.  The Church was completed in 1959.

Subiaco Abbey 049

Subiaco Abbey 048

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The Church remains open 24 hours but the light were turned off so the pictures are a little dark....

Subiaco Abbey 010

Subiaco Abbey 015

Subiaco Abbey 012      Subiaco Abbey 019

Subiaco Abbey 022       Subiaco Abbey 039

We walked around the inner court of Subiaco Abbey.   It is so quiet and peaceful here.

Subiaco Abbey 026

The square complex contains the Monastery (living quarters of the monks), the academy, the main building and The Abbey Church of St Benedict.

Subiaco Abbey 024

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A statue of Saint Benedict in the center of the courtyard.   It is just all so beautiful.

Subiaco Abbey 030

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A look at the Church from the inner court....

Subiaco Abbey 034

The athletic complex on the grounds includes a large pool, ball fields and tennis courts. 

Subiaco Abbey 005

The patio and yard/gardens.

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The cemetery on this hill.

Subiaco Abbey 008

The Logan County Courthouse.

Subiaco Abbey 001

This was another great outing.   What a Blessed Day!


ram and josie said...

Awesome picture!!!

Unknown said...

Connie and manuel,
Your picture of the abbey and church from far way is wonderful. I was wondering if I could use it as a source for the background of a painting I am working on for Subiaco to donate to their spring carnival. It will be heldon march 08 this year. 2014. Thanks. You all took some wonderful pictures of the place. We love it there. You can e-mail me at, or view my website and leave a comment. Again, thank you.