Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Oak Ranch in Hempstead, TX

We left Traders Village RV Park in Houston, TX at about 12 noon.   We drove 34 miles to Red Oak Ranch in Hempstead, TX.  This used to be a huge ranch and they have sold over 100 acres and made it into this really nice RV park.   It is in the midst of a huge ranch (El Gallo Rey which means The King Rooster) and a golf course.   It is very nice here.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 003

This is the clubhouse which is a 6000 sq ft building.  It was once used as a church.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 004

Several of the DeMontrond Travelers have been here since Sunday.  

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 005

After we got all set up, we drove into Hempstead with Janet and George.  We were looking for a place to eat so we thought this was a good place to stop.  We entered and it was a Bar with the restaurant (Julio's) on the side.  There were several people at the bar but we headed straight to the restaurant.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 006

I have learned to use the timer, so I set the timer and ran back to be in the picture.   It took me about three tries before I got a good picture.  I got my exercise there.....oh no, I really need more than that!

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 009

How would you like this Mexican Girl making your tortillas?  Nice mural!

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 011

This restaurant has some really nice murals....

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 012

This young girl at a Charreada.....rodeo.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 013

This young guitarist trying to win this young girl over!!!  Wonder if he succeeded?!

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 014

Back at the Ranch....This is the inside of the Clubhouse.   It is beautiful!   They have many events here.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 015

The Clubhouse from the outside....there is a man made pond/lake behind it.  They have some really nice white rockers on the porches.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 018

This is a smaller activity room, laundry room, etc.   It is also very nice.  Janet and I sat on the rockers here and visited for a while.  We had a lot to catch up on since we had not seen each other in 1 day!! This place is very relaxing and peaceful.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 019

More members of the group are expected to arrive tomorrow.

DeMontrond Rally Tuesday 016

Once it got dark, we played cards with Janet and George.....Had fun!


ram and josie said...

Nice place!!

stay safe...........

Doni and Larry said...

The Bounder in the second picture is Charles Shedd.

Larry Gordon