Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bridges of Madison County, Iowa

Five of the 20 original bridges remain in Madison County.  We only visited two of them. 

These have been renovated and are a beautiful sight.  Enjoy them, we did!

The Roseman Covered Bridge was built in 1883.  It is 107 feet in length and is the best-known of the bridges.  This bridge played a role in the book and film versions of "The Bridges of Madison County" in which Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep played in.  It was renovated in 1992 at a cost of $152,000.  It is an awesome looking bridge.

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Janet and I walked down and up the hill thru a few bridges to the Gift Shop.

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I took pictures looking back as we walked.

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The white house in the background is the original house for which the Bridge was named.

The ruins are where a barn existed....

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Our walk back to the car....

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We drove a few miles to the next bridge....The Cutler-Donahoe Bridge which was built in 1871 and it is in the city park.

It is 79 feet long and was renovated in 1970 at the cost of $36,000.

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These are beautiful bridges.  So picturesque.

Next we drove to Indianola,Iowa to visit the National Balloon Museum.

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