Friday, July 13, 2012

Our Drive From East to West Glacier Park

On our way back, we decided that we would not take as many pics....

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 397

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 405 

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 406

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 407

Oops! there is trouble up ahead.  Looks like this Ranger underestimated his backing up!!!

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 408

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 409

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 410

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 412

Look at these guys, they are just sitting on the snow....brrrrr

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 415

We read that the later you stay at the park, the more wild animals you are bound to see.  I guess it is true.

We thought they were rams but they are Big Horn Sheep....

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 414

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 417

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 422

Traffic was almost at a stop in this area and it is because there is a mountain goat in the middle of the road....

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 425

Someone must have thrown something on the road cause there is nothing else he could eat...

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 427

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 429

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 430

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 433

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 435

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 436

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 442

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 448

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 449


Going-To-The-Sun-Road 455

We had a great ride through The Glacier National Park.  Just awesome.

We bought these cherries at the first stand we saw this morning.  They are delicious!  Will have to try the different types they have.

Going-To-The-Sun-Road 461

Time to go to bed!  It is early in the morning, but I had to post....

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