Friday, February 5, 2010

Riverwalk Tour

Today, Thursday, Manuel had an early appointment with his doc so he went there and I visited with my Mom for a few hours.  When we got home Steve and Sandy were ready to go out again.   They are used to this Seattle-type weather and Manuel and I were ready to go, too.   We arrived at RiverCenter Mall.

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We headed towards the barges for a tour of the Riverwalk.

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We get our tickets to Rio San Antonio is still raining/drizzling.

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They look pretty happy "Walking In The Rain!".

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We are set to go and a lady took our picture.....

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A bronze statue of San Antonio/St. Anthony for which San Antonio is named after.

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This is the Arneson River Theater....many shows/concerts are held here.  This is the stadium...

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The Stage and Theatre house....

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More of the beautiful riverwalk....

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Some art along the way!

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Hotel after Hotel along the River banks.....

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Beautiful tall, tall buildings.....

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The Bexar County Courthouse at a distance.

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The red brick, green roofed Bexar County Courthouse again...

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The San Fernando Cathedral seen from the Riverwalk.....We also saw this at night and it looks beautiful lite is in an earlier post from this week.

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A nice waterfall, this lady poses....

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Many many restaurants and shops along the route, too.

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My camera has gotten foggy with all the moisture.....

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A view of the Tower of The Americas, built for Hemisfair 1968. 

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This mural was a gift to San Antonio from Spain during the 1968 Hemisfair.

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We are now off the cruise and spot these poor pigeons who are very cold and shivering....

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They, the pigeons, are very tourist friendly.

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We are heading to Starbucks for coffee and a very nice lady takes our picture.

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Steve shows the cinnamon rolls.....

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mmmmm good.

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Before heading home and to allow the 6 pm traffic to pass, we made a stop to introduce Steve and Sandy to the Luby's Cafeteria.  We are downtown on Main Street.

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Decisions, decisions......

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A ask the waitress to please take our picture....

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I had not taken a close up of Steve and Sandy, so here it is, Steve with his Phaeton cap.

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Manuel and I wait while they discuss something.....

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As I take Steve and Sandy's picture, the Cashiers say "Here Maam, we are ready for a picture."

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Then Steve notices I am taking their picture and he poses with them.   The lady in the blue asked where they were from and when Steve said "from Seattle area", she said oh, I just visited the Needle Space meaning the Space Needle.   They were very friendly and cute...

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I take a picture of Sandy and Sandy takes a picture of me...

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Rain or shine, we had a great time with Steve and Sandy....  We are heading home to play cards.

1 comment:

Lambe Travels said...

Some really neat pictures. I personally like the colorful umbrellas. Hard not to notice the absence of people. Not hard to notice where you wound up!!