Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Precious Moments Chapel

We got a tour of the Chapel.  The Guide was excellent.  This is such a spiritual place. 

Every wall, door & window was designed by Mr. Samuel J. Butcher.  There is a personal or biblical story behind each piece of art.

Precious Moments 101     Precious Moments 073    

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Precious Moments 077

The reason for the child angels is that when we die, we are children of Jesus when we meet with him.

Precious Moments 079

Precious Moments 080      Precious Moments 082 

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As you can see, Manuel and I were in awe of this beautifully created sanctuary.   God Is Good!

Thank you, Mr. Butcher for this wonderful, spiritual, and unforgettable experience.   Bob & JoAnn, thank you for this tour, we enjoyed being there with you two.  What an awesome day!  We are blessed to see places like this.

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