Thursday, September 2, 2010

Amish Farmlands

We have seen beautiful huge farms all along our trip up to Pennsylvania but not as big as the ones here in the Amish Farmlands near Lancaster, PA.

We have also seen many Amish folks along the roadways here.  Enjoy these pictures.

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Amish men and boys are hard at work harvesting corn and what seemed to be beans. 

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They transport wagon after wagon to their farms....

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This boy is heading back to the field to fill up the wagon again.

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As the boys work, this young girl waits at the foot of the field.....

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She does not want us taking her picture....

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The horses they use on these fields are really large horses, much larger than the normal horse.

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Two young girls with produce in their baskets...

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A young girl and boy walk along this road....

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This one is transporting something on his wagon.

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These are tobacco fields...many are seen here.

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Once they pick up the tobacco crop, they hang them to dry.

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Tobacco plants hanging to dry...

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Two young boys hard at work.

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Their clothes lines are really neat.   They are high on telephone posts to the 2nd floor of the house.   They have a pulley that they rotate to bring in the clothes.  

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It is neat how they have all pants, dresses, towels, small towels hanging in order....

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Another young boy at work.  He is cutting beans and is using mules for horsepower.

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This tractor is like the one we saw at the Civil War Museum.   We saw several of these in these farms but not at work.

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Cute little boy and girl on their bike scooters.  He seems to be protecting her from us taking pictures.

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He gets ahead of her as soon as we pass.

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Field after field of produce.  I feel sorry for these very young kids working all these fields.

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These two young girls with a baby seem to be waiting for a ride as we drive by.

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We thought this stop sign was kind of off with the sign below saying, Stop, Except Right Turn.

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This was a really interesting drive thru all of these farms.  More to come....

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