Thursday, September 2, 2010

Amish Vendor At The Park

Right before dark tonight we had a knock at our door and it was an Amish Girl trying to sell her goods.   She had baked goods, veggies, etc.   She was going door to door trying to sell.   Manuel and I went out and so did Janet.  I told Manuel to hurry out while I got my camera.   I took some pictures but it was a little dark already.

Amish Vendor 001

Our coaches are in the background.

Amish Vendor 011

The young girl bakes the goods, the grandma drives and they had a little baby, too.

Amish Vendor 014

While Manuel bought stuff, I talked to the grandma. 

Amish Vendor 002

Janet buying her goods.

Amish Vendor 003

Other people from the park come out to buy....

Amish Vendor 005

Amish Vendor 006

Amish Vendor 007

The grandma cashing in....

Amish Vendor 012

Off they went to other parts of the park...neat!  neat!  neat!

Amish Vendor 015

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