Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Drive to MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL

We left Fort Myers this morning with MacDill AFB as our destination.  Bob & JoAnn will camp out in the Bradenton area.  We will be about 60 miles away from them.  We had a beautiful drive and a nice and sunny  day but cool.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 001

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 004

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 013

A view of Tampa, Florida.

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 027

St. Pete Times Forum....not sure if this is a basketball arena or what it may be.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 047

Security was pretty tight at MacDill AFB.   We went thru three different gates within the base to get to the FamCamp.

 Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 049

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 050 

Nice drive thru the base.   Seems like a pretty big base.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 054

The campground is right off Tampa Bay/Hillsborough Bay.   I think I am going to like it here.  

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 057

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 061

The Golf Course area....

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 067

Not sure what this is yet...

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 030

We have arrived at the FamCamp.   This base has 252 full hook up spaces at $18 a day.

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Since we are parked and Manuel went to pay, I get off to take pictures...

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 035 

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 037

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 033

It is nice to have full hookups after having boon docked for a few days.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 153

After we ate a late lunch, I crossed the little bridge you see in the background on to the beach area. 

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 154

This is the Sea Scapes Club....

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 075

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 083

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 084

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 089

This is St. Petersburg across the bay.   In talking with a guy out here, he told me that it is 12 miles from this park.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 090

The sun is beginning to set and I wanted to get some sunset pictures....

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 102

This young guy caught a fish....

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 098

Then the dolphins start coming to the edge of the water.....the same guy told me that they come on to shore every night.   That is awesome.  At first I thought they were sharks!

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 112

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The sunset is beginning to look prettier and prettier....

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Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 129

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 133

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 135

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 139

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 142

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 144

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 145

That was an beautiful sunset.   I love it!  Then I walk back to our coach.

Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 150

 Drive to MacDill AFB Tampa 152

We had a great day today.   We are so blessed to be able to enjoy these beautiful days.

1 comment:

ram and josie said...

Beautiful sunset pictures!!

Take care!!!